family enjoying health indoor air

Keep Your Indoor Air Healthy With Trane CleanEffects Air Cleaner

February 28, 2024

Healthy indoor air promotes good health, better sleep, and a comfortable environment. The Trane CleanEffects air cleaner is one way to ensure healthy indoor air in your Pinehurst, NC, home.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?

The EPA notes that indoor air can be up to five times more contaminated than outside air. Dust buildup on furniture and pet hair are common pollutants. Scented candles and pollen clinging to clothes after being outdoors are other contaminants we typically don’t think about. Pollution exposure can lead to short- and long-term health issues.

How Does a Trane CleanEffects Air Cleaner Work?

The CleanEffects whole-home air cleaner is installed in your return-air ductwork. Filters trap the microscopic pollutants as the conditioned air passes through the air cleaner.

Filters in standard air cleaners are very dense. Dense filters have a higher pressure drop. Pressure drop measures the resistance to air flowing through the filter. A higher pressure drop restricts the airflow through the filter. The Trane CleanEffects air cleaner has the lowest pressure drop and highest efficiency. CleanEffects filters particles down to 0.1 micron — 700 times smaller than the size of a human hair!

Asthma and Allergy Friendly

Many products claim to reduce allergen triggers, but how can you be sure? There are no federal standards for being hypoallergenic. That’s why the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America created the asthma and allergy friendly® Certification program.

Only scientifically proven products that reduce allergy and asthma triggers receive the asthma and allergy friendly® Certification Mark. AAFA has verified the CleanEffects air cleaner meets its certification standards. So, if you’re one of the 65 million Americans who suffer from asthma or allergies, Trane CleanEffects is a lifesaver.

To learn how we can ensure your family has healthy indoor air, check out our indoor air quality solutions or call one of our expert technicians. Our Sandhills Heating, Refrigeration & Electrical comfort team is ready to help you breathe easier all year round.

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